Monday, October 31, 2016

Athletics day

  • I was good at high jump because I did the scissors and I made it over on my first shot

  • I can jump high because I know how to control my body and I know how to do the scissors

  • I got better at jumping because my body was nice and straight

  • It is hard to know how high to jump because sometimes when you go to jump then your thigh touches the tip of the pole.

  • I felt nervous when I was about to jump because I thought that I wasn’t going to make it but I did

  • My next steps are to make it into inter school because i can challenge myself and others

  • I am going to achieve my next steps by coming 1st, 2nd or 3rd because then I know that I have made  progress

Monday, September 12, 2016

Waitangirua Mall

Purpose:Our purpose is to write an explanation about our special community and to give a reason why it is so special to us.

We are learning to improve and read other people's writing. We also learnt how to write a conclusion.

Do you have a special place in the community?

I do,my special place in the community is the Waitangirua Mall.

Do you know what the Waitangirua Mall is?
Well we are going to tell you all about Waitangirua Mall and why it’s so special to us.

Waitangirua Mall is a special place. It's surrounded by shops, a skate park, sports playground and a local bar. Its very popular around the area I live in especially to the kids. It's the only place in our community where we can have a good time yet feel safe. A lot of families in my community go to Hungry Tiki, which is a restaurant up at the mall. I think that that's brilliant, to go up the road and still have a good time knowing that you’re not far from home, which prevents unsafe driving and keeps people off the road.
In my community it's surrounded by a lot of cool kids, and I think that the mall is a BRILLIANT  place to them for doing the things they do, so I reckon if we did not have the Waitangirua Mall they’d get bored.  

Clearly we have told you what is special to us about Waitangirua Mall. In fact it is truly a fantastic place for people in our community.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Mysteeq Saving the Day

On June the 27th it was a hot sunny day.
It was a good time to play games and have fun with our family.The next day was the same but we just had a ring up saying “my house it on fire”.Then all of the firemen and fire girls went to the house to check out.

When I walked into the house it smelled like ashes.I searched the whole house when I walked into the lounge and everything was burnt like a bbq I couldn't believe how burnt everything was.
Then I walked into the room with no fear.I looked around the room and spotted there was a little kitten that was not opening its eyes.

I picked it up and I took It outside. I told my friends to” pass me the first aid kit “ so they did. I put the oxygen mask on the little kitten and it’s eyes opened Then I put water on it to wash It.Then I placed the kitten on the bag and I said “ meow “.

Then my other friends said I’m a hero and the kitten was alive.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Mysteeq saving the kitten

On June the 27 It was a hot sunny day
It was a good time to play games and have fun with our family.The next day was the same but we just had a ring up saying “my house Is on fire”.Than all of the firemen and fire girls went to the house to check t out.

When I walked into the house It smelled like ashes I searched the whole house when I walked into the lounge and everything was burnt like a bbq I couldn't believe how burnt everything was.
Than I walked into the room with no fear I looked around the room and spotted there was a little kitten that was not opening its eyes.

I picked It up and I took It outside I told my friends to” pass me the first aid kit “ so they did I put the oxygen mask on the little kitten and It’s eyes opened Than I put water on it to wash It.Than I placed the kitten on the bag and It said “ meow “.

Than my other friends said I’m a hero and the kitten was alive.

Monday, June 20, 2016

My reading story

We were learning to understand author's purpose for writing,and ways they use ideas and language in their narratives.

Success criteria:
I can:

-talk about why i think the author wrote a narrative

-identify the setting,characters,problem,and the way the problem was solved

-talk about the ways the author has chosen language  and ideas to entertain the reader.

In reading I am good at looking for the author's purpose in the story

I can read long books because I love reading.

I got better at always looking at the glossary when I see bolded black words and I don’t know what they mean.
I feel good when I read because I love reading

My next steps are to read more books so I can be an expert at reading.

I am going to achieve my next steps by always reading books.

I read maui and the sun.

The setting was near the sun.

The characters are maui and his four brothers.

The problem was the sun was moving too fast.

How the problem got solved:Maui and his brothers stopped the sun from going fast than the sun moved slower.

The bit i liked about the book was when Maui and his brothers stopped the sun.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

MY favourite piece of the story i heard a whisper but no one

The next day Mysteeq woke up she went to go make a coffee than that ugly noise came again And said “hi mysteeq what are you doing”than mysteeq said “get away please whoever you are”and the person that was making that noise said”I’m a ghost HAHAHA so you can’t tell me what to do and you can’t touch me”.

My writing learning story

Our purpose is to:entertain our reader.    

I have achieved being an author by using ideas and  using a beginning, middle, and end and organise my writing in order.

I am good at including setting's because I can tell the reader where my story is.

I can include characters because the reader will know who's in the story.

I got better at describing who was in the story because the reader knew who was in my story when they read it.

It was hard when I had to think of where the setting was because there was heaps of ideas in my head already.

I feel happy when I finished it because when I read it it was amazing.

My next steps are to use interesting words to describe things because it would make the story more interesting    

I can achieve my next steps by finding interesting words in books to read in my writing. 

My maths learning story

Purpose:In maths we are learning to work together in a maths team to help each other solve problems.

In maths we were learning to do fractions with Miss Ardelle and Miss Gibbs we did problems like if there were 5 brownies and there were 4 people and how could they share it equally between them.They are kind of easy problems but good because they are challenging for the year 4's and I have to work with some of them so we share ideas so everybody gets it.After we solve the problems we  have to get back in our circle and share back our thinking and how we solved the problem.

what maths looks like at corinna school
*Working together.
*Eye contact
*Sitting close
*Listening while others speak
*Boys and girls mixed up

what maths sounds like at corinna school
*disagreeing and agreeing
*loud and clear talking
*friendly arguing
*maths talk
*sharing ideas in order so we get what they are saying.

what maths fells like at corinna school.
*handling frustration because sometimes you have to wait to share
*handling it when its hard
*confusing when you don't get it what others are saying
*Maths feels good for me because every week I work with other people.

Monday, June 13, 2016

The great day at the marae

On June the 9th Ngati Aroha,me,and Mum went to the marae. When we got there we did kapa haka with Matua Tod and Whaea Claire, my mum watched me and my brothers. We had to do it out on the porch and then on the grass. We were so good Matua David could hear us from down on the road.After that we went back into the wharenui and Matua David talked for ages, then Matua Todd talked and all the kapa haka people missed out on morning tea but that was all right  after the  kapa haka people  went back into the kitchen and we

After that we had a rotation the first thing I did was a matariki pattern thing with Kate Collins. Then I played knucklebones,string games,finger knitting,and lego with Bronwyn Gibbs. After that I went with Sia and Malia to make stuff out of ice block sticks it was fun but it was a little bit hard at first then I got it. Next we had lunch than we had a little play. Then we went to the mall. After that we came back and we ate afternoon tea my mum helped cook. Finally we had a little bit of free time and the year 6,7,and 8’s played charades I coloured in with Hine she was so funny. After that Kate told us to go to the mat.

Then some people including me and my mum helped set up beds. We had to get the sheets as well as the beds.  Then we ate dinner, it was nice. We had crispy roast potatoes, we had very yum pumpkin, and tasty and delicious chicken, and roast. I loved it! I nearly ate all of it but got too full. After that we went to put on our pj’s than we had to lay down in our beds and say our pepeha. Travelle went first and I went last.. Before I did it I felt nervous but it was cool because I did it. After that we all went to bed. Kate turned all the lights off. I  was one of the first ones to go sleep. I slept next to my mum and Aggie it was an amazing experience at the marae..

Tea:i like the way you used interesting words and you used good information about what we did at the marae.

Success criteria
sentences:Use different words at the beginnings of a sentence
Purpose is to:Share what happened at the marae in a good way

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

My Maui and the sun writing

Purpose: to rewrite the story of Maui in a way that entertains my reader

Long, long ago  in a little village in space there were four girls named Sareta,Mysteeq,Ces and Rylee.They had nothing to do because of the sun.It  was moving so fast they could only have breakfast and then go to bed.So one day Sareta had enough she got up off the chair and said”guys can you believe this the sun is moving 10 times faster than a leopard”and we said”yea we should go and catch it and track it down so it can go 10 times slower than a snail”.They went to make some ropes made out of glass, flax and paper.They were working for 5 days because the sun was going too fast. Then Sareta said “When we are finished we can go and make the sun  go slower”and  kept and kept working.When the flaxs were ready they traveled all the way to the other side of the city.Finally they got there.As they were going to cover they felt something rumbling and it was the sun.Ces was very scared she had never been in that stuff before so Ces just stayed silent.As the sun rose up and Sareta shouted “now”so they got up and threw the ropes made out of glass and they held it till the sun was tired and finaly he was.He was weak and tired then the sun went slower and slower and then they lived happly ever after.

I wanted the sun to go slow because there were not enough time to  do anything not even eating half of your breakfast and that is why i wanted the sun to go slow

Rylee-You were good at describing how fast the sun was moving and using really undercover words like track it down and all.I also liked the interesting words you wrote like rumbling and the other interesting words you did wow mysteeq.    

I think you were good at using interesting information about what was normally happening in your story

You done well using the purpose because you described what your mission was

Thursday, May 5, 2016

My Swimming Learning Story

purpose:safe in the water

Have you ever been swimming?

If you have than you would know what it is like and you will know what kind of stuff we do!

It was hard when we had our first swimming lesson because we didn't know what to do and it was difficult.When we hopped in Paul told us to swim a whole length with any freestyle moves you have and if you stop you have to stay there and keep swimming. I made it to the end and Prestigious as well.  We had good fun in the pool. We had to do freestyle. We had to run to the other side then we had  get out of the pool and that was the first swimming lesson.

I was good at swimming with my rocking arms and I swam the whole length without stopping and backstroke as well.

I was saw someone  else doing good and that was Prestigious because she was the only one that was amazing. That is what Paul said as well.


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

MY special name

Do you like your name?
I’m going to explain what my name is and who gave me it and what it means.

Remember a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.

I’m named after there's three girls called mysteeq there were my mums favorite girl group and that is why she named me that name.I  like very much cause i’m named after someone talented they are very good at singing and they have very nice voices when they sing.

I really like my name because my parents named me and it's very good name to me but some people might not like it but that's doesn't bother me that match because my name is mine and no one can take it away from me.

People might tease me and mock my name but it won't matter because I still have my name with me.If you changed your name would you me sad? I hope you don't change your name.

I really really hope you still have your name with you and don’t change it…

Prestigious:I like all your punctuation I think your next steps are to use full stops and capital letters.

Isabel:Good work Mysteeq i like the way you said my mum named me after a  girl group that made me laugh good work anyways keep the great work up.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Purpose:To make a container that is the right size to protect Kate's taonga.

We were good at asking each other questions like "What size do you want it to be?"

We were also good at working as a team because we shared our ideas like "Lets make a roof and lets put some material so when it drops  then it won't crack"

Another thing we were good at was noticing others like Jilliane and Isabel working as a team and trying out different ways to fit Kate'.s taonga.

We needed to work on making a plan so we know what to do when we make it

Thursday, March 3, 2016


In maths we did this problem about  x's and we had to figure out a Marie problem we had to look for how  match more x's we need to solve the problem so we read the problem and I said this is a interesting  problem then we had to figure it out first we did 3 times 10 and that made 30 then that was the first answer then we did 4 times 10 + 2 why do you think we did that?We did that because there were 5 for the first x's and the second one was 9 so we said if 5 +4=9 then lets say we can take away one from the 5 and times the 4 by ten and + 1  to make _ so then we did it and it made 41 so that is how we got the second problem.
Then for the last one we said okay there were 6 for the first and 10 for the second but 16 for the 3 x's so we said if we take away 2 from the 16 then times it so we did 4 times 10+2 because we took away 2 to make 14.Then we said 42 is the answer.

My taonga

Do you have a taonga?

This is a story about my taonga, what it is, what It does and what I do to protect, nurture and sustain my taonga.

My necklace was from New Zealand. It was in this shop filled of gold. It was in the area with the best stuff. I got it from my grandpa when we went to Auckland together. We had a great time.

My taonga looks like gold,and it has a cross on It.It has a chain that goes over your neck and it has a little bit of a person on it as well.

I got it when me and my papa went to Auckland. We went shopping when we got my taonga for me. We found it in the first shop we went to and when I saw it I asked my papa, ”Papa can I have that pleasew” and he said “Why?” and I said “Because this can be my taonga from you and I will keep it forever” and he said “Okay” and I said ”Thanks. Thanks. Thanks papa ”

I protect, nurture, and sustain my taonga by putting it in a box which is safe so no little  hands can  touch my taonga. If my taonga got smashed from someone I will be really mad at who did it to my taonga.

My taonga is special to me because I got it from someone that passed on into the sky. I want it to last forever because he gave it to me to remember him when he passes on up to the sky.

I got my taonga when I was 6 years old and I've had it for 2 years  I've kept it safe for a long time If I ever break it then I will get really sad and maybe cry because it was very special to me.

I was so happy to have that necklace I hope you get a necklaces like me and I hope its from someone special to you.

Monaro:Well done i think that you have explained what your taonga is and why it's special to you very well.
Prestigious:well done i think you have done very well in your writing.
Ggene:you are a star you have got all the detail you need for your taonga

Thursday, February 25, 2016

What Maths looks like,sounds like and fells like

What maths looks like corinna school....

Working as a team
Share the pen
Share your ideas
Make sure every ones on track of what's going on
Asking questing

This is a link to me and my friends maths thinking

What maths sounds like corinna school....

People saying can you please emplane again
I don't get it
Can you explain in a different way please...
Please focus on what where doing please...
I disagree
Why do you disagree.

What maths feels like at corinna school...

Awesome because we work together as a team,group
Cool because we ask  people to please stay together and focus