Monday, June 13, 2016

The great day at the marae

On June the 9th Ngati Aroha,me,and Mum went to the marae. When we got there we did kapa haka with Matua Tod and Whaea Claire, my mum watched me and my brothers. We had to do it out on the porch and then on the grass. We were so good Matua David could hear us from down on the road.After that we went back into the wharenui and Matua David talked for ages, then Matua Todd talked and all the kapa haka people missed out on morning tea but that was all right  after the  kapa haka people  went back into the kitchen and we

After that we had a rotation the first thing I did was a matariki pattern thing with Kate Collins. Then I played knucklebones,string games,finger knitting,and lego with Bronwyn Gibbs. After that I went with Sia and Malia to make stuff out of ice block sticks it was fun but it was a little bit hard at first then I got it. Next we had lunch than we had a little play. Then we went to the mall. After that we came back and we ate afternoon tea my mum helped cook. Finally we had a little bit of free time and the year 6,7,and 8’s played charades I coloured in with Hine she was so funny. After that Kate told us to go to the mat.

Then some people including me and my mum helped set up beds. We had to get the sheets as well as the beds.  Then we ate dinner, it was nice. We had crispy roast potatoes, we had very yum pumpkin, and tasty and delicious chicken, and roast. I loved it! I nearly ate all of it but got too full. After that we went to put on our pj’s than we had to lay down in our beds and say our pepeha. Travelle went first and I went last.. Before I did it I felt nervous but it was cool because I did it. After that we all went to bed. Kate turned all the lights off. I  was one of the first ones to go sleep. I slept next to my mum and Aggie it was an amazing experience at the marae..

Tea:i like the way you used interesting words and you used good information about what we did at the marae.

Success criteria
sentences:Use different words at the beginnings of a sentence
Purpose is to:Share what happened at the marae in a good way

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