Monday, June 20, 2016

My reading story

We were learning to understand author's purpose for writing,and ways they use ideas and language in their narratives.

Success criteria:
I can:

-talk about why i think the author wrote a narrative

-identify the setting,characters,problem,and the way the problem was solved

-talk about the ways the author has chosen language  and ideas to entertain the reader.

In reading I am good at looking for the author's purpose in the story

I can read long books because I love reading.

I got better at always looking at the glossary when I see bolded black words and I don’t know what they mean.
I feel good when I read because I love reading

My next steps are to read more books so I can be an expert at reading.

I am going to achieve my next steps by always reading books.

I read maui and the sun.

The setting was near the sun.

The characters are maui and his four brothers.

The problem was the sun was moving too fast.

How the problem got solved:Maui and his brothers stopped the sun from going fast than the sun moved slower.

The bit i liked about the book was when Maui and his brothers stopped the sun.

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