Monday, April 30, 2018

Mysteeq’s P.E Learning Story.

“In P.E it never gets easier you’re just getting better” By samuel whitbread

In P.E we have been learning how to help ourselves and others be the best we can be. That means we have to share the ball, communicate and find a way not only to win but also to have lots of fun as well.

We had to test our skills in 1 activity . That one activity was dodgeball. In dodgeball we realised our teammates were getting out fast. We had 2 rounds, the first round we lost  because we weren't working together as a team and people were hogging the balls. But the second round we had a strategy and people didn’t get out fast but we still lost by a bit. The strategy we had to get better at using was  catch the ball so they can get out faster.

I was good at giving helpful instructions because I was  explaining what I did step by step so my team was able to get a fair idea on how to play the game.

It was hard when my team were down by some people because we had to work extra hard to get some of our team members back in the game.
My next steps in P.E are to think strategically so that I can help to improve the performances of myself and others on the sports field/court.

In P.E I used the key comp of participating and contributing by always being in my team and sharing all of my unique ideas.

In P.E always try and fail but NEVER fail and try.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Mysteeq's Art learning story

Did you know I never liked art until I actually started trying to do it.

On the first week of the year my class started looking at a different style of art which is called surrealism art. Surrealist art is where you combine realistic features with imaginary features to create a interesting and creative image.

In surrealist art I was good at including my identity for e.g I put a coconut tree as my face because that represents my culture and Samoans love their coconuts.

In surrealist art it was hard to find out what to put in my portrait because for e.g I am several cultures and I couldn't choose what culture to represent but I came to a final decision and choose Samoa.

My next steps in art is when we are doing our rough copies just to put everything on my portrait that I’m thinking because it’s just a practice (Everything doesn't have to look perfect.)

In art I used the key comp of relating to others because I was helping myself and others get on with their work by not distracting others and not getting distracted.

I now know that surrealism is another style of art that I can use when drawing a picture,you can too?

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Mysteeq's writing learning story

I try hard, I work hard, I struggle, but I never give up.

The purpose of this writing is to tell my reader who I am as a person and what my identity is about.

To communicate my identity effectively, as a writer I can.
  • Use a hook to make the reader interested.

  • Make my reader work something out (infer) by:
   -giving clues and not stating directly (show not tell)
   -using anecdotes and examples.

  • Use a creative and interesting writing style,(poem, news report...)

  • Use punctuation to show your reader how to read and make sense of your writing.

While I was writing my personal profile I was good at show not tell for e.g (I was introduced to this world 2007 and I am in year 7 at Corinna school.)

In my personal profile I used a creative hook for e.g (do you have an identity?cause I do and here it is.)I think That it was good because I asked a question to make them think about the answer.)

I need to work sitting in the right place so I can get more writing done and so I can get finished faster than I did for e.g (sitting by myself so no one can talk to me and so I don’t talk to them.)

My next steps are to write more information about myself so that my reader knows more about me and how my life is and how I choose to live.

Mysteeq's Maths learning story

Mysteeq’s Maths Learning story

Rylee wants to find out how many students at Corinna School would like to do an activity involving skateboards and bikes in their lunchtimes. She sends a survey to 205 students. The survey results come back to her as percentages.
How many students want to do each activity?

Number of students
Bike track

Skate park

Mistakes in maths are showing you are trying.

In maths we have been learning how to find a percentage  to a certain number.

First of all I drew a number line to show where the 40% and the 60% is. I figured out that 100% was 205 so I halved it to make the 50%. And I halved 205 which made 102.5.If 50% is 102.5 I need to find the 10% to add and take it away from the 50% to make 60 and 40 percent.I was fiddling around and I saw that if you take away one zero from the 100% it will make 10% then I put a decimal point in between the 20 and the 5 and it made 20.5.
My important learning was to find 10% and a knowing of mine is that you could divide the whole by 10.

The group norms I used were participating and contributing by always staying in my group and making sure I am focused and I’m on the learning waka. This means helping others too.

While I was in  my learning group I used the Key comp  of managing self by not getting distracted and making sure everyone in my group was focused so that we can get on with our task and complete it for e.g (When I was sitting on the mat and listening to Helen.Someone was trying to talk to me I ignored it and I didn’t get distracted.)

My next steps are to be able to work with anyone and to not be fussy of who I work with and how I work with them.For e.g (when my group is called out and it’s a group I don’t wanna be in I go “oh damn!”)

“Mathematics is the most beautiful and powerful creation of the human spirit” (by Stefan Banach)

Mysteeq's Reading learning story

Mysteeq’s Reading Learning  Story
Image result for billionaire boy

Do you have a reading experience? Because I do and here it is.!!

The book I am about to experience with you all is called  Billionaire Boy. It is by an author by the name of David Walliams and the text type is a fiction chapter book. The purpose of this funny book is to entertain and hook its reader in.

It was challenging trying to understand the book and get engaged into the book because some parts of the book were hard to understand.I didn’t really know what was going on  in certain situations.

As a reading  learner to understand the book I did some skimming and scanning to get to know more about the book so I know what was going on. When I was stuck on some words I had to do some inferring so that I could understand the words for e.g  (reading the whole sentence and making sure it makes sense with the word I think it means).One of the key comps I used while reading was managing self by not getting distracted and not distracting others.

My next learning as a reading learner is to sit away from distractions and interruptions because if I didn’t I would most likely get no reading done. For example when I was sitting next to Sareta and Jaleus I moved away from both of them because I know I would talk to them and not get my reading done.

“The more that you read the more things you will know the more that you learn the more places you’ll go” (By Dr Seuss.)